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  • 05/26/2015 10:52 AM | Laura Gromis (Administrator)

    USGBC Central California announced the winners of the Most Outstanding Green Building Innovator Awards at the semi-annual Spring Into LEED award dinner and fundraiser on April 28th. Honored were the leaders in the Green Building Movement that were instrumental in designing and building LEED buildings in Central California. To date, 107 projects received LEED certification in Central California, creating over 5.5 million square feet of green building space. UC Merced received the award of Owner with Most LEED Buildings with 15 LEED buildings at their campus. Teter Architects and Engineers received the award for Contractor with Most LEED Buildings with 9 LEED projects. 907 Windsor Remodel in Tulare, a single family house in Tulare, received the award for LEED Project with Highest Points Achieved, for earning 97.5 points of 100 for their LEED for Homes Platinum project.

    USGBC Central California congratulate the leaders of the leaders in the Green Building industry in Central California. Within the last two year, the number of LEED buildings in Central California nearly doubled and demand for sustainability in building is increasing. People are more concerned about the impact buildings have on their health, productivity and the environment. LEED, or Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design, is redefining the way we think about the places where we live, work, learn, play and worship. As an internationally recognized mark of excellence, LEED provides building owners and operators with a framework for identifying and implementing practical and measurable green building design, construction, operations and maintenance solutions. LEED is the most widely used green building rating system in the world, with nearly 30,000 LEED certified commercial buildings in more than 150 countries and territories globally. LEED-certified buildings offer lower operating costs and better indoor environmental quality, making them attractive to a growing group of corporate, public and individual buyers. High-performing building features increasingly enter into tenants' decisions about leasing space and into buyers' decisions about purchasing properties and homes. California is amongst the top 10 states with LEED building per capita in the Nation.

    A big thank you to all that contributed to Spring Into LEED, Harris Construction for hosting us at their beautiful LEED Silver office building, our donors of raffle items, Mecho Systems, Nora Systems, Landscape Forms, Innovation Commercial Flooring, National Office Furniture, Mohawk, Western Building Materials, Patcraft, Tenaya Lodge, Marlite, Coalesse and 3-Form, and all our great volunteers that helped put the event together.

    Check out the Fresno Bee article about the award winners.

  • 05/07/2015 3:37 PM | Laura Gromis (Administrator)

    This opinion article was submitted by Jeffrey T. Janes, M.S., C.B.O.

    The story behind alternate materials and methods (AMM) in the building code go back to when I first needed to understand them as an apprentice architect and then later as a government official charged with approving or denying such applications.  What I have seen over the years, are many good and well thought out ‘green’ products and sustainable materials that were sound in concept but lacked the correct process flow to step through our modern day building codes.  Does this mean unless you have lots of money and access to a fancy research laboratory you should not even bother?  No.  But it does mean you need to understand what a code official is looking for when evaluating AMM of construction to be sure the minimum code standards are met. 
    Are all materials approved in the building code or through alternative methods safe for the environment?  Certainly not.  In fact, an argument can be made that many of the currently ‘approved’ materials can be more toxic and harmful to people and the environment than not.  So how can this be?  If the job of the code official for each city or county is to protect people, how do these materials get approved in the first place?  Yes, you may not like the answer, but big business, profits, and cheap processes do play a role in this decision making process through approval.  So what is the point?  The point is, as responsible ecological designers, we need to figure out the AMM approval process in the local jurisdictions where we do business so we can have smarter and healthier materials approved for use in the built environment. 
    In the end, once an AMM product is approved within a jurisdiction by a building official, that approval is like a gold standard that can be used to start the dialogue about that product within other jurisdictions.  I believe this is one strategy in bringing forth smarter and healthier materials for use in the built environment.

  • 03/24/2015 12:10 PM | Laura Gromis (Administrator)

    PolicyPalooza is USGBC California’s annual two-day Rite of Spring gathering in Sacramento devoted to state policy and innovative ideas. Ask around: those who’ve attended past events rank it as one of the highlights of the year. Held in conjunction with activities at the Green California Summit, PolicyPalooza 2015 consists of the April 7th Day at the Capitol, where USGBC members from around the state gather and meet with their local legislators and their staffs about making our shared transformative vision the new normal. In between meetings, you can visit our Summit exhibit booth, regroup and share experiences at our Advocates’ Luncheon and toast our policy champions at our Green Hard Hat Awards reception. PolicyPalooza Day 2 shifts to the USGBC California track of panel sessions at the Green Summit devoted to LEED & CALGreen, data & building performance, and water reuse.

    USGBC members comprise a big tent collection of people from a variety of business and professions united in their desire to build a more sustainable, prosperous and equitable world. We need to make our voices heard in Sacramento and we very much welcome and appreciate your participation. Extra credit for Southern California members. Act now! Sign up at http://tinyurl.com/policypalooza-2015. We’ll posting updates on hotel, schedule and other information at http://tinyurl.com/policypalooza-details.

  • 03/23/2015 10:18 AM | Laura Gromis (Administrator)

    About 650 students in grades 6-12 competed in the 62nd Annual Central California Regional Science, Mathematics and Engineering Fair on March 16th-19th. Joshuan Donnelly from Buchanan High School won the special recognition from the Central Valley Water Awareness Committee for water related projects with his work on “Aquatic Plants in Wastewater Treatment”. He compared the ability of different common aquatic plants to remove fertilizers from water.  His experiment demonstrated that the Egeria Densa plant removed nitrogen the fastest, however, the Java Fern was able to withstand the high ammonia concentrations in the second and third trials of the experiment. USGBC Central California’s Water Conservation Committee had the honor to be part of the Central Valley Water Awareness Committee judging team. Congratulations to all students who participated in this year’s science fair!

  • 03/03/2015 1:58 PM | Laura Gromis (Administrator)

    What is your idea of a nice landscape? Most gardens and green spaces in Central California still follow the old model of turf grass and high water use plants. Pair this with on old irrigation system that has low-water efficiency and you have high water consumption and high maintenance landscapes. 

    Did you know that traditional turf maintained by an average, 50% efficient irrigation system needs ten feet of water a year to stay green? A whole lot of valuable water in an area with generally low precipitation rates, which is parched by drought and where the biggest industry is water dependent. Time for a change!


    During USGBC-CC’s November workshop “Step-By-Step to Water Wise Landscaping” Brad Greenbury and David Bigelow provided an overview over California appropriate landscaping and efficient irrigation systems. Brad and David are two local experts on water wise gardens with a combined experience of 45 years in converting traditional landscapes to water wise landscapes. Find the ppt of the workshop here and a list of water wise plants here.

  • 03/03/2015 1:47 PM | Laura Gromis (Administrator)

    California’s water scarcity forces everybody to rethink their water use. USGBC Central California volunteers worked with schools to become part of the solution to address this issue. On September 27th, 30 volunteers came together to perform free water audits at six Central Valley schools as part of the international Green Apple Day of Service event. The volunteers helped the schools get water wise by detecting leaks, providing the schools an overview over the state of their technology, and evaluation existing water awareness campaigns. Local architects, engineers, construction professionals and students of these fields received training from USGBC Central California and the City of Fresno Water Department to perform the water audits.

    Sierra Unified is one of the school districts benefiting from the event. The school district is located in the foothills and draws its water from wells. Facilities & Maintenance Supervisor Jim Harris is looking at all options to save water. “We want to make most of the water that we do have”, Jim says. Volunteers looked at sprinkler heads, drinking fountains, faucets and other water outlets. One additional item on the list of the water auditors: signs to encourage water conservation. These belong to the low-cost options to remind everybody to use water wisely. 

    Green Apple Day of Service is an initiative from the Center for Green Schools at the U.S. Green Building Council that brings together advocates from around the world and encourages them to take action in their communities through service projects at local schools. This is the first time USGBC Central California is participating in this effort to transform all schools into healthy, safe, cost-efficient and productive learning places. 

    Thank you to all the volunteers who participated and all our partners that supported the event,  Platinum Partner TETER AE, Gold Partner City of Fresno, Silver Partners Darden Architects, Sustap, and POM Wonderful.

    California’s water scarcity forces everybody to rethink their water use. USGBC Central California volunteers worked with schools to become part of the solution to address this issue. On September 27th, 30 volunteers came together to perform free water audits at six Central Valley schools as part of the international Green Apple Day of Service event. The volunteers helped the schools get water wise by detecting leaks, providing the schools an overview over the state of their technology, and evaluation existing water awareness campaigns. Local architects, engineers, construction professionals and students of these fields received training from USGBC Central California and the City of Fresno Water Department to perform the water audits.


    Sierra Unified is one of the school districts benefitting from the event. The school district is located in the foothills and draws its water from wells. Facilities & Maintenance Supervisor Jim Harris is looking at all options to save water. “We want to make most of the water that we do have”, Jim says. Volunteers looked at sprinkler heads, drinking fountains, faucets and other water outlets. One additional item on the list of the water auditors: signs to encourage water conservation. These belong to the low-cost options to remind everybody to use water wisely.


    Green Apple Day of Service is an initiative from the Center for Green Schools at the U.S. Green Building Council that brings together advocates from around the world and encourages them to take action in their communities through service projects at local schools. This is the first time USGBC Central California is participating in this effort to transform all schools into healthy, safe, cost-efficient and productive learning places.


    Thank you to all the volunteers who participated and all our partners that supported the event,  Platinum Partner TETER AE, Gold Partner City of Fresno, Silver Partners Darden Architects, Sustap, and POM Wonderful.


    Check out media coverage of the event:


    Fresno Bee

    Fresno Business Journal




    Become a USGBC-CC member and support initiatives like Green Apple Day of Service!

    California’s water scarcity forces everybody to rethink their water use. USGBC Central California volunteers worked with schools to become part of the solution to address this issue. On September 27th, 30 volunteers came together to perform free water audits at six Central Valley schools as part of the international Green Apple Day of Service event. The volunteers helped the schools get water wise by detecting leaks, providing the schools an overview over the state of their technology, and evaluation existing water awareness campaigns. Local architects, engineers, construction professionals and students of these fields received training from USGBC Central California and the City of Fresno Water Department to perform the water audits.


    Sierra Unified is one of the school districts benefitting from the event. The school district is located in the foothills and draws its water from wells. Facilities & Maintenance Supervisor Jim Harris is looking at all options to save water. “We want to make most of the water that we do have”, Jim says. Volunteers looked at sprinkler heads, drinking fountains, faucets and other water outlets. One additional item on the list of the water auditors: signs to encourage water conservation. These belong to the low-cost options to remind everybody to use water wisely.


    Green Apple Day of Service is an initiative from the Center for Green Schools at the U.S. Green Building Council that brings together advocates from around the world and encourages them to take action in their communities through service projects at local schools. This is the first time USGBC Central California is participating in this effort to transform all schools into healthy, safe, cost-efficient and productive learning places.


    Thank you to all the volunteers who participated and all our partners that supported the event,  Platinum Partner TETER AE, Gold Partner City of Fresno, Silver Partners Darden Architects, Sustap, and POM Wonderful.


    Check out media coverage of the event:


    Fresno Bee

    Fresno Business Journal




    Become a USGBC-CC member and support initiatives like Green Apple Day of Service!

    California’s water scarcity forces everybody to rethink their water use. USGBC Central California volunteers worked with schools to become part of the solution to address this issue. On September 27th, 30 volunteers came together to perform free water audits at six Central Valley schools as part of the international Green Apple Day of Service event. The volunteers helped the schools get water wise by detecting leaks, providing the schools an overview over the state of their technology, and evaluation existing water awareness campaigns. Local architects, engineers, construction professionals and students of these fields received training from USGBC Central California and the City of Fresno Water Department to perform the water audits.

    Sierra Unified is one of the school districts benefitting from the event. The school district is located in the foothills and draws its water from wells. Facilities & Maintenance Supervisor Jim Harris is looking at all options to save water. “We want to make most of the water that we do have”, Jim says. Volunteers looked at sprinkler heads, drinking fountains, faucets and other water outlets. One additional item on the list of the water auditors: signs to encourage water conservation. These belong to the low-cost options to remind everybody to use water wisely.

    Green Apple Day of Service is an initiative from the Center for Green Schools at the U.S. Green Building Council that brings together advocates from around the world and encourages them to take action in their communities through service projects at local schools. This is the first time USGBC Central California is participating in this effort to transform all schools into healthy, safe, cost-efficient and productive learning places.

    Thank you to all the volunteers who participated and all our partners that supported the event,  Platinum Partner TETER AE, Gold Partner City of Fresno, Silver Partners Darden Architects, Sustap, and POM Wonderful.

    Check out media coverage of the event:

    Fresno Bee

    Fresno Business Journal


    Become a USGBC-CC member and support initiatives like Green Apple Day of Service!

    California’s water scarcity forces everybody to rethink their water use. USGBC Central California volunteers worked with schools to become part of the solution to address this issue. On September 27th, 30 volunteers came together to perform free water audits at six Central Valley schools as part of the international Green Apple Day of Service event. The volunteers helped the schools get water wise by detecting leaks, providing the schools an overview over the state of their technology, and evaluation existing water awareness campaigns. Local architects, engineers, construction professionals and students of these fields received training from USGBC Central California and the City of Fresno Water Department to perform the water audits.

    Sierra Unified is one of the school districts benefitting from the event. The school district is located in the foothills and draws its water from wells. Facilities & Maintenance Supervisor Jim Harris is looking at all options to save water. “We want to make most of the water that we do have”, Jim says. Volunteers looked at sprinkler heads, drinking fountains, faucets and other water outlets. One additional item on the list of the water auditors: signs to encourage water conservation. These belong to the low-cost options to remind everybody to use water wisely.

    Green Apple Day of Service is an initiative from the Center for Green Schools at the U.S. Green Building Council that brings together advocates from around the world and encourages them to take action in their communities through service projects at local schools. This is the first time USGBC Central California is participating in this effort to transform all schools into healthy, safe, cost-efficient and productive learning places.

    Thank you to all the volunteers who participated and all our partners that supported the event,  Platinum Partner TETER AE, Gold Partner City of Fresno, Silver Partners Darden Architects, Sustap, and POM Wonderful.

    Check out media coverage of the event:

    Fresno Bee

    Fresno Business Journal


    Become a USGBC-CC member and support initiatives like Green Apple Day of Service!

    California’s water scarcity forces everybody to rethink their water use. USGBC Central California volunteers worked with schools to become part of the solution to address this issue. On September 27th, 30 volunteers came together to perform free water audits at six Central Valley schools as part of the international Green Apple Day of Service event. The volunteers helped the schools get water wise by detecting leaks, providing the schools an overview over the state of their technology, and evaluation existing water awareness campaigns. Local architects, engineers, construction professionals and students of these fields received training from USGBC Central California and the City of Fresno Water Department to perform the water audits.

    Sierra Unified is one of the school districts benefitting from the event. The school district is located in the foothills and draws its water from wells. Facilities & Maintenance Supervisor Jim Harris is looking at all options to save water. “We want to make most of the water that we do have”, Jim says. Volunteers looked at sprinkler heads, drinking fountains, faucets and other water outlets. One additional item on the list of the water auditors: signs to encourage water conservation. These belong to the low-cost options to remind everybody to use water wisely.

    Green Apple Day of Service is an initiative from the Center for Green Schools at the U.S. Green Building Council that brings together advocates from around the world and encourages them to take action in their communities through service projects at local schools. This is the first time USGBC Central California is participating in this effort to transform all schools into healthy, safe, cost-efficient and productive learning places.

    Thank you to all the volunteers who participated and all our partners that supported the event,  Platinum Partner TETER AE, Gold Partner City of Fresno, Silver Partners Darden Architects, Sustap, and POM Wonderful.

    California’s water scarcity forces everybody to rethink their water use. USGBC Central California volunteers worked with schools to become part of the solution to address this issue. On September 27th, 30 volunteers came together to perform free water audits at six Central Valley schools as part of the international Green Apple Day of Service event. The volunteers helped the schools get water wise by detecting leaks, providing the schools an overview over the state of their technology, and evaluation existing water awareness campaigns. Local architects, engineers, construction professionals and students of these fields received training from USGBC Central California and the City of Fresno Water Department to perform the water audits.

    Sierra Unified is one of the school districts benefitting from the event. The school district is located in the foothills and draws its water from wells. Facilities & Maintenance Supervisor Jim Harris is looking at all options to save water. “We want to make most of the water that we do have”, Jim says. Volunteers looked at sprinkler heads, drinking fountains, faucets and other water outlets. One additional item on the list of the water auditors: signs to encourage water conservation. These belong to the low-cost options to remind everybody to use water wisely.

    Green Apple Day of Service is an initiative from the Center for Green Schools at the U.S. Green Building Council that brings together advocates from around the world and encourages them to take action in their communities through service projects at local schools. This is the first time USGBC Central California is participating in this effort to transform all schools into healthy, safe, cost-efficient and productive learning places.

    Thank you to all the volunteers who participated and all our partners that supported the event,  Platinum Partner TETER AE, Gold Partner City of Fresno, Silver Partners Darden Architects, Sustap, and POM Wonderful.

    California’s water scarcity forces everybody to rethink their water use. USGBC Central California volunteers worked with schools to become part of the solution to address this issue. On September 27th, 30 volunteers came together to perform free water audits at six Central Valley schools as part of the international Green Apple Day of Service event. The volunteers helped the schools get water wise by detecting leaks, providing the schools an overview over the state of their technology, and evaluation existing water awareness campaigns. Local architects, engineers, construction professionals and students of these fields received training from USGBC Central California and the City of Fresno Water Department to perform the water audits.

  • 03/03/2015 1:43 PM | Laura Gromis (Administrator)

    USGBC-CC started 2014 off by partnering up with students from Edison High School’s Green Energy Academy to learn about green buildings.  The program, “Measuring Green Buildings”, had Architects, Engineers and Contractors actually go into the classrooms at Edison High School to provide the students with real-world learning experiences.  The experts engaged students with such diverse topics as:  construction management, commissioning energy systems, acoustical performance, “green” building materials, and architectural design strategies.  As part of the program, students had the rare opportunity to actually test the acoustical performance of one of their classrooms.  After the experience, one of the Edison students commented, “It was something new and new things are always great.  I didn’t really know much about buildings, but after this experience, I now look at buildings with different eyes.”


    Green Energy Academy’s Teacher, Taylor Vizthum, expressed his excitement about the students’ keen interest in learning, "In a class of High School Seniors, during the last class of the day you typically expect the students to become ever vigilant "clock monitors", however, during this project, the guest speakers and content was so engaging, they persuaded students to remain after class because they still had questions they wanted answered."


    After the educational hands-on learning experience students prepared posters that they presented at the “Green Schools Tour”, which took place at Edison High School’s new award winning building.  The tour provided another rare element of learning – networking opportunities.  This collaboration with Professionals actually working in the field is crucial for the seniors as they graduate from High School and plan their future.


    “Industry partnerships are one of the key elements as we aim to prepare our students for the challenges of the 21st century, and meet the needs for better Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) education.  Opportunities as such bring context and relevance and help students connect to their learning.  We are grateful for having organizations like USGBC in our community, who are willing to help us connect with the industry and help better the educational experience of our students, and inspire them to pursue STEM fields”, reported Ellie Honardoost, Program Manager of the Office of College and Career Readiness at Fresno Unified.  Members of the USGBC and general public were invited to attend the event and learn about the High School’s program and building.  The event was a great success!


    USGBC – Central CA Chapter would like to thank all of the volunteers from Edison High School, Architects, Engineers, and Contractors involved in the project.  A special thank you goes out to the Project Leader, Kjirsten Harpain from Darden Architects, who did an awesome job bringing experts together and working with the teacher to design the curriculum!

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